Company Score Banner

The company’s scorecard displays the company's ESG Rank, and the score it is based on - the most recent company overall Adjusted Insight Score, along with the company’s overall momentum score.  Additionally, the scorecard give the user the ability to show Insight and Momentum scores for all underlying categories.  

Note: The average of the underlying category scores do not equate to the overall Insight Score.  This is due to the fact that each category may have more or less impact on the company's overall Insight Score -- a weight measured by Dynamic Materiality scores, shown in the category table.

Company Insight Scores Trends

The ESG Trend Chart, available for companies that are not low-volume, displays different trend lines:

  1. The company's overall Adjusted Insight Score (or Insight category score)
  2. The company’s overall Pulse Score
  3. The company's Insight score trend over one year, called Momentum

Additionally, you can decide to filter the chart to show the scores for individual categories as a trend over time.

  • The chart can be adjusted to cover different time ranges by changing the date range in the global date picker at the top right of the platform
  • The chart can display the Adjusted Insight Score "Value" or “% Change.”
  • The chart can display either the overall Adjusted Insight Score or the Insight scores for any of the categories. 
  • The company's stock chart can also be overlaid on the chart as shown above in the colored portions of the graph by clicking on the stock price icon. 
  • The Insight score trend lines for companies, sectors, industries, and benchmarks (e.g. S&P 500) can also be overlaid onto the graph for comparison purposes.  



Truvalue Labs gives you the option to review the underlying articles driving scores.   Simply click on individual points in the chart, or click and drag the cursor over a range of time to see articles in the chart's right sidebar.